Kasambahay Protect™ – Accident Insurance Coverage for Household Helpers

Our “kasambahay” does a number of chores that make our lives so much easier. They are cooks, house cleaners, our laundrywomen, gardeners, yayas, pet caretakers, caregivers to our ageing parents and many more. To most, they are family.
Exposed to risks like accidents, animal bites, falls or burns, Standard Insurance designed a product suited exclusively to them through the Kasambahay Protect™ plan.
These are the key features of this plan:
- Accident insurance coverage for domestic employees, general house help, nursemaid or “yaya”, babysitter, laundry person, cook, driver, gardener and any other person who renders domestic or household services exclusively to an employer
- Daily hospital cash assistance benefit due to accident and sickness (maximum of 30 days)
- Medical reimbursement benefit of up to P25,000.00
- Cash assistance benefit for non-accidental incidences of up to P12,500.00
- Accidental death benefit of up to P250,000.00
- Burial expense benefit of up to P25,000.00
It is so easy to avail of Kasambahay Protect™
- It requires only a One-time payment for a full year coverage, rates inclusive of taxes
- No medical examination required
- Acceptable age between 18-65 years old at the time of purchase
Coverage is 24-Hours for work and non-work related injuries, anywhere in the world and it provides immediate coverage upon fill-out of application form and payment of premium.
So, what are you waiting for? You can purchase Kasambahay Protect™ through any of our branches, through our Direct Sales team at 8845-1111 or via our website at www.standard-insurance.com.