Our Accredited Vet Clinics, here to respond, here to serve.
Prevention is key to pet care. To make sure your pet’s health does not deteriorate, you must ensure that when he gets sick, he gets the right medical diagnosis and treatment plan. But are pet parents really ready for what it takes to take care of their pet’s health? In fact, do you know how to choose the right veterinarian who can look after your fur baby?
To become a Licensed Veterinarian in the Philippines, one has to be a graduate of a six (6) year university program that will earn him the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Before he can practice though, he needs to pass the Veterinary Medicine Licensure Examination conducted by the Board of Veterinary Medicine under the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC).
They say that unlike medical doctors, a veterinarian (vet) is an all- around job. Human doctors have a specialization or field but veterinarians need to know radiology, pharmacology, nutrition, surgery, nursing, to name a few. This is an advantage, if you ask me but whatever way you look at it, your choice of vet matters a lot in the life expectancy of your fur baby. When they get proper medical care, love and nutrition, pets tend to live long lives.
Standard Insurance Pet Health gathered some highly qualified veterinary clinics, run by seasoned vets. Here is a list of our partner-veterinary clinics to-date.

Our list is short and its highly likely you will not find your pet’s vet in it. Don’t fret because you can go to the vet of your choice and just request for cash refund for compensable claims. Ready to explore Pet Health for your fur baby? Just call (02) 8845-1111 or email pethealth@standard-insurance.com